AIQ Editorial Team


Job title

Global Investment Thinking

Contact details

Work location

London, United Kingdom

About AIQ

Since its launch in 2016, AIQ has covered the big themes influencing financial markets and the global economy. We aim to give our clients in-depth analysis of the issues that affect their investments, from demographics to big data, from climate change to China’s growth. We also offer insights on more specialised topics, such as portfolio construction and cashflow-driven investing.

We don’t profess to have all the answers. AIQ actively seeks the views of independent experts as well as Aviva Investors professionals, and regularly features contributions from world-renowned policymakers, authors and academics.

Too often, the content produced by the asset management industry is bland, jargon-heavy and self-serving. Open to fresh perspectives and committed to strong editorial principles, AIQ stands out. After all, it’s good to be different.

AIQ: The Risk Edition

COVID-19 has shown how quickly a single event can disrupt a globalised economy. AIQ explores some of the biggest threats facing the world, from cybersecurity to environmental disasters, and considers the investment implications.

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AIQ: The Climate Edition

Can the world get back on track towards meeting the commitments of 2015’s Paris Agreement? From science to psychology; from land use to big data; we examine the challenges posed by climate change and assess potential solutions.

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The Little Book of Data

A curated collection of the infographics shaping our views on markets and economics. Limited availability, so reserve your copy of The Little Book of Data now.


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