Our approach

As the asset management business of one of the UK’s largest insurers, fixed income is in our DNA. Our experience spans across fixed income, from developed to emerging markets, investment grade to high yield and liquidity strategies. In addition to pooled strategies, we offer bespoke solutions to cater to individual client needs.

Our insurance heritage makes us a natural partner for clients looking for consistent returns and enhanced capital preservation through market cycles.

Fundamentally driven

Investment ideas are driven by in-depth research across regions and sectors, supported by multi-disciplinary teams across asset classes to deliver robust client outcomes.

Robust portfolio construction

We believe a disciplined portfolio construction process can be an independent source of alpha.

Actions that unlock value

We seek to enhance long-term value creation by incorporating ESG considerations* and engaging with organisations to inform investment decisions and drive positive change.

*The investment manager always applies the Firm’s Baseline Exclusions Policy and any specific constraints within a prospectus or IMA, but any other ESG factors or risk considerations are adopted at the manager’s discretion.

Potential benefits

Focused portfolios

Aggregating firm-wide expertise to gain a holistic picture of the issuers we invest in.

Resilient risk-adjusted returns

Active management of risk can help generate smoother returns and alpha uncorrelated to the benchmark  

Building in responsibility

The investment approach aims to future proof portfolios against by assessing sustainability risks alongside other risk factors.*

Key risks

Investment risk

The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up and can fluctuate in response to changes in currency and exchange rates. Investors may not get back the original amount invested.

Credit risk

Bond values are affected by changes in interest rates and the bond issuer's creditworthiness. Bonds that offer the potential for a higher income typically have a greater risk of default.

Fixed income team

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