Our expertise, applied to your fixed income goals

In today's diverse and evolving fixed income markets, a unified approach is essential to meet clients' needs. Leveraging our extensive capabilities and unique structure, we are well-positioned to help investors seeking enhanced returns, diversification and capital preservation through market cycles.

Core income

Our Core Income Group offers the foundational building blocks for fixed income investments, specialising in global investment grade, global rates, and asset-based securities. We focus on delivering effective duration management, yield enhancement and diversification to meet our clients' needs.

Capital opportunities

Our Capital Opportunities Group specialises in high-growth fixed income asset classes, such as emerging market debt, high yield bonds, multi-sector fixed income, and convertible debt. Our goal is to meet clients' enhanced return, income and diversification needs.

Fixed income solutions

Our Solutions Group combines strong capabilities in buy and maintain, pensions and insurance solutions, liability-driven investment, and liquidity. We aim to deliver integrated, outcome-driven solutions to enhance capital efficiency, liquidity optimisation and liability-matching.

Fixed income solutions

We harness our heritage and collective expertise to deliver solutions across the fixed income universe to meet your needs.

Canadian fixed income

A range of strategies aiming to provide enhanced and consistent long-term returns with lower volatility and improved downside protection.

A client-centric fixed income philosophy

Our fixed income team manage £160 billion* across a globally integrated investment platform that leverages specialist research and data-driven capabilities to deliver value for our clients.

Connected across capabilities

Our unique structure encourages enhanced idea generation with strong collaboration between teams with natural synergies to deliver diverse, uncorrelated sources of return.

Robust portfolio construction

Our approach aims to deliver enhanced capital preservation through market cycles, optimising the use of technology and avoiding structural over-reliance on market beta to generate returns.

Solutions that start with you

Leveraging our extensive heritage, research and specialist capabilities, we are uniquely placed to build tailored investment solutions to deliver for your specific needs.

*Source: Aviva Investors as at 30 September 2024. The AUM figures shown above are for the group of companies. Trading as Aviva Investors, the fund management arm of the Aviva Group.

Fixed income insights

Investment thinking that brings together the collective insight of Aviva Investors’ teams from across the globe on the key themes influencing markets.

Bond Voyage: A journey into fixed income

Each month, our freewheeling fixed-income newsletter gathers insights from our high-yield, investment-grade, emerging-market and global sovereign bond teams.

See the latest edition
Bond Voyage

House View

No one can predict the future. But our quarterly House View sets out the collective wisdom of our investment teams on the current state of global markets – and where they might be heading.

Read more

Key risks

Investment risk and currency risk

The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up and can fluctuate in response to changes in currency and exchange rates. Investors may not get back the original amount invested.

Credit risk

Bond values are affected by changes in interest rates and the bond issuer's creditworthiness. Bonds that offer the potential for a higher income typically have a greater risk of default.

Fixed income expertise

Meet our fixed income investment team.

Contact us

Our distribution team is here to help with any questions you may have.

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With a global presence, far-reaching expertise, and extensive capabilities across major asset classes, we are well placed to help achieve the outcomes our clients demand.