Smera Ashraf


Job title

Head of Global Wealth - UK

Contact details

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Smera is Head of Global Wealth – UK and is responsible for driving growth across the UK wealth business, working across all channels including UK intermediaries, Discretionary Wealth and Global Financial Institutions. 

Experience and qualifications

Smera joined Aviva Investors in July 2023 from HSBC Asset Management. There she led the UK retail distribution teams for 3 years and more recently spent time in HSBC Asset Management’s central Sustainable Office as their Global Commercial Sustainability Manager focusing on sustainable propositions for their clients. Prior to her commercial and sales role, her background is in Business Strategy and Management in both wealth and asset management.

Smera holds a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics from The University of Manchester, is IMC qualified and completed The Sustainable Leadership programme at Imperial College London.