Our approach

We offer a range of active UK equity solutions to meet client needs. Our experienced team have a common investment philosophy and process, underpinned by a structured sector approach and high levels of company access. Our portfolios are driven by the highest-conviction stock ideas, supported by high levels of corporate engagement and rigorous risk oversight.


Clients benefit from the longevity and insight our portfolio managers have gained over several market cycles. Our UK equities team average over 17 years’ investment experience (as at 30 Sep 2024).


We leverage our scale, managing over £10.97 billion in UK equities, and expertise across industries, including ESG corporate research, to generate best ideas across the market (as at 30 Sep 2024).

Shared philosophy

We invest with a long-term, fundamentally driven approach that is unconstrained by style factors. This can lead to a broader opportunity set and deliver a more resilient return profile for clients throughout market cycles.

Outcomes and solutions

We offer client solutions across Income, Small and Mid-cap, Stewardship and Unconstrained to meet capital growth and income opportunities in the UK stock market. We offer differentiated, results-orientated strategies that seek strong risk-adjusted returns.



Small and Mid-Cap


Key risks

For further information on the risks and risk profiles of our funds, please refer to the relevant KIID and Prospectus. 

The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up. Investors may not get back the original amount invested.

UK equity strategies

Aviva Investors UK Listed Equity Income Fund

An investment approach that looks through short-term market noise and instead invests based on cash-generative company fundamentals with a long-term view to deliver income, income growth and capital growth for clients.

Aviva Investors UK Listed Equity Unconstrained Fund

A high-conviction, best ideas strategy that aims to deliver capital growth for clients away from the skews of the UK equity market by being unconstrained by market cap, style factor or yield requirements.

Aviva Investors UK Listed Small and Mid-Cap Fund

A strategy with a dedicated focus on both small and mid-cap equities that adopts a stock-driven rather than a style-driven investment approach.

UK equities team

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Equities views

The Investment Manager endeavours to comply with the requirements of the UK Stewardship Code when managing the Funds’ assets. Stewardship is the responsible allocation, management and oversight of capital to create long-term value for investors leading to sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society. Environmental (particularly climate) and social factors, in addition to governance, have become material issues for fund managers to consider when making investment decisions and undertaking stewardship. The Investment Manager therefore considers a range of financial and non-financial information when assessing investments and to inform its stewardship activities, including considering the potential or actual material risk that sustainability issues may have on an investment. For more information on how the Investment Manager carries out this activity and meets the requirements of the UK Stewardship Code, as well as details about Aviva Investors’ firmwide policy, please see our website: Policies and documents - Aviva Investors