
Designed for accessibility

We want to make sure that everyone has equal access to all our services. Here, you’ll find the information you need to use our website and services – whatever your needs.

Adapting our website to suit your needs

Change text size

If you want to change the text size, changing the settings of your internet browser may help.

To change the size of text on the screen or to magnify the screen, go to the ‘Settings’ menu on your internet browser. Depending on which browser you use, you’ll find the option to change the text size under ‘Preferences’ or ‘View’.


If you require text-to-speech, using a screen reader or read-aloud software may help.

Most browsers will have a text-to-speech function within their ‘Settings’ menu that will read out the text on the screen. This functionality can sometimes be referred to as read aloud, read mode or reader view.

Our website supports screen readers such as NVDA, VoiceOver & Narrator.


Additional support

If you require further assistance with any pages on our site, or have any feedback/recommendations to improve your experience, let us know.
