Sophie English


Job title

Macro Stewardship Analyst

Work location

London, United Kingdom

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Sophie English is a Macro Stewardship Analyst within the Aviva Investors Sustainable Finance Centre for Excellence. She supports Nick Molho, Head of Climate Policy, to develop Aviva Investors’ public policy positions to accelerate low carbon investment across key sectors of the economy and support the economy-wide transition to net zero emissions. She is also responsible for enabling effective communication of macro stewardship activity, through consistent reporting and case study development.

Experience and qualifications

Sophie joined Aviva Investors in 2023, following the completion of Aviva’s Graduate Leadership Programme. As her final graduate placement, she spent a one-year secondment in the Transition Plan Taskforce Secretariat, leading on the integration of nature, adaptation, and just transition considerations into the gold-standard guidance and disclosure framework for private sector transition plans.

She holds a first-class undergraduate degree from the University of Cambridge in Human, Social, and Political Sciences.