Value assessment approach
An introduction to Value Assessments
As Authorised Fund Manager (‘AFM’) of the funds, the following sets out our approach to the assessment, and the range of factors considered by the Company’s board of directors (‘the Board’) to determine if ‘value’ is being provided to investors, and whether costs and charges are justified.
This exercise is carried out annually in addition to, and in conjunction with, our regular fund reviews. Those reviews include extensive assessments of service and performance for each fund, with appropriate action taken where necessary throughout the year. If the result of the value assessment is that the charges paid by investors are not considered to be justified based on the level of service we are providing, appropriate action will be taken.
Quality of service
We consider the range, nature, extent and quality of services provided directly to investors or undertaken on their behalf, and whether investor’s expectations have been met. This includes the services performed by the Company and its suppliers, as well as their reputation, expertise, resources and relative capabilities. The key factors are:
– The quality of the investment process, including their trading, risk management, compliance, technology, research and operational processes, and any environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors that are integrated into the investment process.
– The quality of the customer services provided, using investor satisfaction surveys, complaints and data relating to operational accuracy to assess the positioning of Aviva Investors and its products and services over time, in comparison to similar firms.
– The quality and timely delivery of clear communications, and the relevance of information provided to investors to help them make informed decisions.
We consider whether fund performance, after the deduction of expenses, is within a reasonable range of outcomes relative to the fund’s objective, policy and strategy when measured over appropriate time periods.
The time horizon that we consider most appropriate to assess performance will be stated within the individual fund’s investment objective or policy, however we also review performance over one, three, five and seven years (or since inception if there is not a full seven year’s performance data).
Performance is also considered in comparison to the respective fund’s peer group, and whether the fund operated in accordance with its respective risk limits and investment restrictions.
Fund performance, as measured against its objectives, is assessed in regular governance meetings and this is also taken into account in reaching the conclusions for the value assessment.
If performance is considered unsatisfactory, the following factors may be considered:
– Explanations for any underperformance provided by the investment manager as part of our fund performance governance model.
– Any appropriate steps (such as consideration of changing the investment objective, policy, strategy or investment personnel) that have been taken or are intended to be made with the goal of improving performance.
Alternatively, we could consider changing the investment manager or closing the fund where no other viable options are available or where previous actions have not delivered the desired results.
We provide further information on the specific performance of individual funds within the Fund Manager Report section of the Value Assessment, covering the period relevant to that report. More up to date information is available in the regular fund factsheets and updates, available on our website.
Authorised Fund Manager costs & charges
We consider whether our charges are reasonable, taking into account the underlying costs we incur for the services provided, and the performance objectives of each fund.
We use a Fund Management Fee (‘FMF’) to deduct the charges from the funds, this is a single all-inclusive charge and is designed to provide a straightforward, easy to understand charging model for investors.
The underlying fees, costs and expenses covered by the FMF are detailed in the fund prospectus, but in summary cover the following payments:
– the fees and expenses of the Company as AFM;
– the fees and expenses of the Investment Manager;
– the fees and expenses of the Depositary;
– the fees and expenses of the Custodian;
– the fees and expenses of the Auditor;
– the permitted costs in connection with periodic statements and accounts; and
– FCA fees.
To assist with the value assessment, we use a costs and charges model to assess the costs applicable to each fund. The model is refreshed semi-annually and provides analysis of all elements of cost that must be paid out of the proceeds of the FMF. This helps us to determine whether the FMF is fair based on the costs of services provided for the relevant share class, with an appropriate allowance for the income earned by the Company from these activities.
Economies of scale
We consider whether we have been able to achieve any savings or benefits as a result of the size of the fund, referred to here as “Economies of Scale”, and whether investors have benefited appropriately.
In particular, we consider whether economies of scale have been achieved in relation to the costs and operating expenses of each share class and the extent to which investors should benefit from financial savings that result.
For example, we will consider whether the FMF fairly reflects the fees charged in respect of the third party supplied services, which should be competitive due to the scale of Aviva and the potential breadth of other Aviva product ranges the supplier provides services for, allowing us to obtain favourable rates.
The assessment of the underlying service costs of running the fund, and the appropriate level of the FMF, takes place annually. Any changes to the underlying costs will be reflected in this analysis and may result in a change to the FMF.
In looking at whether investors have benefited appropriately, directly or indirectly, in any savings or benefits in relation to the management of the fund, we acknowledge the wider, albeit intangible, benefits to investors, such as the reputation, brand and financial strength of the Aviva Group.
We may also consider it appropriate to reinvest cost savings directly into the Company, to finance product development, or retain savings for commercial reasons.
In reaching a conclusion, we will assess the extent to which investors in our direct retail share classes have already benefited from the automatic discount which is applied to each fund when it reaches a certain level of assets under management (AUM), with the discount ranging from 0.01% to 0.05% dependent on the complexity of the fund. For further details on this policy, please refer to the relevant Prospectus. All other share classes will be assessed on a case by case basis.
Comparable market rates
We consider whether the Ongoing Charge Figure (OCF) for each share class is reasonable compared to similar funds and share classes in the market by benchmarking each fund against a suitable peer group. The data used for the comparison is supplied by an independent data provider.
Direct comparisons of the individual fees that make up the overall OCF may be difficult because information is not generally publicly available and is affected by numerous factors. As noted, the underlying expenses included in the FMF are routinely reviewed and this component is focused on the overall fee for a share class in comparison to a suitable peer group.
Where the total charges (as calculated by the OCF) are greater than the average cost of equivalent peer group funds, we will review the FMF and consider whether an adjustment can be made to our fee.
Comparable services
We consider whether the fees charged by Aviva Investors for services it performs for the fund are consistent with those charged throughout the Aviva Group. This considers similar funds or services operated by both Aviva Investors and the wider Aviva Group that are available in the UK, are of a comparable size, and are managed to similar objectives and policies.
Classes of units
We assess whether investors hold shares in the most appropriate share class, in terms of the service offered, entry criteria and fees applied.
We routinely carry out an assessment of whether investors hold units in the most appropriate share class. In the past this has prompted the closure or merger of a number of share classes, along with the amendment of some minimum investment limits and share class eligibility criteria, and the removal of trail commission to advisers. These changes have resulted in some investors being moved into alternative share classes that either had fees of an equivalent or lower level than they had been paying previously.
More recently, we have implemented a process to identify investors who would be eligible for a share class with lower fees. If any such investors are identified, steps are taken to move them into that share class if possible.
Other factors
We may consider other factors in determining the conclusion of the value assessment, as deemed appropriate by the Board. If such other factors are considered, details will be provided in the value assessment report for the relevant fund.
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