How can I make best use of my cash and liquid asset holdings?
Managing cash is a universal need. We seek to enhance cash returns while preserving capital and maintaining robust liquidity. Our cash management solutions and liquidity optimisation products are designed to meet unique investor needs.
Treasury: cash management solutions
Treasury departments face the challenge of both managing material cash and potential variability in cash balances. We can help treasurers develop cash management solutions to accommodate both expected and unexpected cash flows.
Insurance: liquidity optimisation for capital and efficiency yield
Insurers can face volatile cash-flow needs. We can help develop asset pools sized to accommodate severe but plausible shocks and diversified for resilience. Our insurance heritage helps us optimise liquidity in capital sensitive formats.
Pensions: collateral and cash-flow management
Variation margin requirements can move substantially and quickly, while beneficiary payments mean ongoing cash outflows. We can source liquidity across asset classes and geographies to deliver resilient, yield-generative portfolios.
Financial institutions: cash management and client money
Our liquidity products can help financial institutions manage their treasury cash requirements. Our government money market fund invests only in high-quality liquid assets. For financial institutions managing client money, we provide Qualifying Money Market Funds.
The Aviva Investors difference
Our insurance heritage and sustainability ambition combined with years of experience of managing cash equip us with the necessary skills and experience to manage your liquidity successfully.
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Our liquidity range
Our fully developed suite of liquidity products can help investors meet various risk and return objectives as part of operational, core and strategic cash holdings.
Figure 1: Our fund range spans the liquidity opportunity set

Target refers to manager's target and is not an objective of the strategy. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Source: Aviva Investors, as at 31 March 2024.
Not all funds are available in all jurisdictions. We have chosen to classify these funds as Article 8.
Explore our approach to liquidity management
We have strategies available to meet your liquidity management needs. We also design and build bespoke liquidity solutions.

Cash management solutions
Cash management solutions that provide an accessible, diversified and yield-generative home for your cash:
- Regulated money market funds to meet your operating cash needs, providing daily liquidity, capital preservation and yield.
- Step-out strategies offering incrementally higher yields than money market funds, while maintaining liquidity.
- Comprehensive risk management framework integrating ESG considerations from the bottom-up.

Liquidity optimisation
Our liquidity optimisation funds and bespoke mandates provide diversified fixed-income exposure while consuming limited regulatory capital.
- The ReturnPlus fund invests in a broad range of liquidity sub-asset classes, while consuming limited regulatory capital.
- The Sterling Liquidity Plus fund provides capital-efficient and liquid access to the securitisation market.
- We can build bespoke mandates accessing the full spectrum of liquidity sub-asset classes.
Useful liquidity fund documents
Access daily yields, weekly portfolio holdings and daily liquidity reports.
Supporting literature
- PDF 533.5 KB 4 pages
Aviva Investors Liquidity Solutions Brochure
- PDF 93.5 KB 2 pages
Aviva Investors Liquidity Funds - Sterling & Euro Fund Holidays
- PDF 81.2 KB 1 page
Aviva Investors Liquidity Funds – US Dollar Fund Holidays
- PDF 66.3 KB 3 pages
Aviva Investors Liquidity Funds Country Registration
- PDF 105.4 KB 2 pages
Aviva Investors Liquidity Funds - Fund Range
Liquidity insights
Investment thinking that brings together the collective insight of Aviva Investors’ teams from across the globe on the key themes influencing markets.
Bond Voyage: A journey into fixed income
10 Mar 2025
This month, our fixed income teams discuss the boom in hybrid issuance and weigh up the risks and opportunities of potential tariffs, interest rate moves and fiscal dynamics.
Bond Voyage: A journey into fixed income
10 Feb 2025
As we negotiate an uncertain landscape, our fixed income teams reflect on potential sources of resilience.
Liquidity outlook for 2025: Credit, yield, regulation, positioning – what to expect for the year ahead
22 Jan 2025
The conditions for investing in liquidity look broadly favourable for 2025, but that’s not to say it will be plain sailing.
Bond Voyage: A journey into fixed income
13 Jan 2025
With a new US president poised to take office, central banks diverging and ongoing political uncertainty, how are the key fixed income asset classes positioned for the year ahead?
The case for ReturnPlus: A capital efficient enhanced liquidity strategy
29 Nov 2024
The ReturnPlus strategy invests in a broad range of liquidity sub-asset classes, while consuming limited regulatory capital. Our ReturnPlus team explains why investors should consider an allocation to the strategy.
US election 2024: Some initial thoughts from our fund managers
6 Nov 2024
Aviva Investors fund managers Edward Hutchings, Liam Spillane and Max Burns offer their initial thoughts on what the US election means for financial markets.
Bond Voyage: A journey into fixed income
4 Nov 2024
This month, our fixed-income investment teams discuss US elections, IMF meetings, US versus European high yield, managing declining rates for cash, and what the future might hold in store for gilts.
An ABS renaissance? Why it may be time for insurers to reconsider asset-backed securities
2 Sep 2024
Securitisation performs a vital role in capital markets and asset-backed securities have historically been a core holding for insurance companies. This article revisits the investment thesis for ABS and explores why the stage may be set for something of a renaissance.
Liquidity optimisation for insurers: Building a bespoke portfolio solution
9 Jul 2024
In the third part of our liquidity optimisation series, we look at how bespoke liquidity portfolios that take into account the interplay between different assets can suit the needs of insurers.
Finding the right blend: Optimising asset allocation in liquidity pools
5 Jul 2024
In the second part of our new article series on liquidity optimisation, Alastair Sewell investigates how investors can find the right mix of assets for their liquidity pools.
A bigger splash: How much liquidity do I need?
1 Jul 2024
The importance of holding liquidity is well understood by large institutions. But how much is enough? In the first part of our new article series on liquidity optimisation, Alastair Sewell investigates the key considerations for different investor types.
Three, two, one…Cash returns set for lift-off
7 Sep 2023
With interest rates set to remain higher for longer and inflation gradually falling, money market funds can offer investors a way to access positive real yields on cash, says Alastair Sewell.
Better late than never: European Commission constructive on money market funds
23 Aug 2023
After the European Commission released its long-awaited assessment report on European money market fund regulation, Alastair Sewell discusses the main implications for investors.
Cash is king (again): Higher rates spurring interest in money market funds
19 Jul 2023
Members of Aviva Investors’ liquidity team explain why rising global interest rates and problems in the US banking sector are fuelling demand for money market funds.
Opportunities in cash: Our 2023 liquidity outlook
24 Jan 2023
Our liquidity team give their take on what the challenging market environment means for positioning in 2023.
Time to rethink collateral cash
13 Dec 2022
In this Q&A, Alastair Sewell explains why investors need to urgently rethink their approaches to collateral cash management.
Bond Voyage: A journey into fixed income
Each month, our freewheeling fixed-income newsletter gathers insights from our high-yield, investment-grade, emerging-market and global sovereign bond teams.

House View
No one can predict the future. But our quarterly House View sets out the collective wisdom of our investment teams on the current state of global markets – and where they might be heading.

Key risks
For further information on the risks and risk profiles of our funds, please refer to the relevant KIID and Prospectus.
Money market risk
These strategies invest in money market instruments such as short term bank debt, the market prices/value of which can rise as well as fall on a daily basis. Their values are affected by changes in interest rates, inflation and any decline in creditworthiness of the issuer. This is not a guaranteed investment, an investment in a Money Market Fund is different from an investment in deposits and can fluctuate in price meaning you may not get back the original amount you invested. This investment does not rely on external support for guaranteeing liquidity or stabilising the NAV per unit or share. The risk of loss of the principal is to be borne by the investor.
Investment risk and currency risk
The value and income from an investment can go down as well as up. This will cause the value of your investment to fall as well as rise. There is no guarantee that the fund will achieve its objective and you may get back less than you originally invested.
Dedicated distribution team
Meet our dedicated liquidity distribution team.

Tony Callcott
Global Head of Liquidity Client Solutions

Beth Jones
Senior Sales Director, Liquidity – Global Financial Institutions

Scott Playle
Senior Sales Director, Liquidity - Global Corporates

Ryan Kemp
Business Development Associate
Note for UK Investors in relation to the Sterling Liquidity Plus Fund : This Fund is domiciled in Ireland and is authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland. The Fund is recognised in the UK under the Overseas Funds Regime but is not a UK-authorised Fund and therefore is not subject to UK sustainable investment labelling disclosure requirements. UK investors should be aware that they can make a complaint about the fund, its management company, or its depositary. However, complaints may not be eligible for resolution by the UK’s Financial Ombudsman Service and any claims for losses related to the management company or depositary will not be covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). UK investors should consider seeking their own financial advice before making any decisions to invest and refer to the scheme prospectus for further information.