Latest economic research thinking

  • Deep water: Ten threats to marine ecosystems

    8 Jun 2022

    Our air, weather, food, the health of diverse marine life and millions of jobs all depend on the ocean. But we have not done well as custodians of marine ecosystems. Here, we set out ten ways where human actions threaten the health of an essential environment.

  • Is stagflation set to make an unwanted return?

    18 May 2022

    Surging inflation is leading to fears the world economy could be heading towards recession. While there are diverging views on whether we are entering a new era of stagflation, the medium-term growth-inflation trade off looks set to worsen with big implication for asset prices, argue Michael Grady and Peter Fitzgerald.

  • The investment case for nature

    17 May 2022

    The impact of economic activity on the natural world has long been ignored. However, governments, companies and investors can all play a role in helping to protect nature.

  • What does the data say? Ukraine-Russia: The human and economic costs of war

    29 Apr 2022

    In this month’s instalment of our visual series on topical themes, we look at the far-reaching human and economic consequences of the Ukraine-Russian war.

  • Facing up to the ESG backlash

    6 Apr 2022

    Asset managers must better explain how ESG can improve investment returns and make the world a better place. Clear guidance to help investors choose between funds is also required.

  • Energy in focus: Part 2: The pivot to green

    28 Mar 2022

    How will the surge in the prices of oil, gas and coal impact the transition to low or zero carbon sources of fuel? In the second part of our Q&A on the energy sector, experts from our credit, equities and ESG teams contemplate the challenges and opportunities in the pivot to green.

  • Thick skins and tin ears: Facing up to the ESG backlash

    25 Mar 2022

    Mark Versey goes on the offensive to dispel recent criticisms against ESG investing.

  • Energy in focus: Part 1: The last hurrah for fossil fuels?

    24 Mar 2022

    The fallout from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine has highlighted the fragility of energy markets, with significant implications for the global economy.

  • Why companies should do more to recruit from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds

    22 Mar 2022

    There is a strong case for finance and other elite professions to become more socially diverse and tap into a much larger pool of potential talent.

  • ESG in focus: What does the data say?

    8 Mar 2022

    Using data visualisation tools, we present some of the biggest ESG trends of the last few years.

  • What does the data say? ESG in focus

    25 Feb 2022

    In this month’s instalment of our visual series on topical data themes, we look at some of the major ESG trends and metrics of the last few years.

  • Valuing nature: An interview with Elizabeth Maruma Mrema

    17 Feb 2022

    In this interview, AIQ catches up with Tanzanian biodiversity leader and lawyer Elizabeth Maruma Mrema about the threat of biodiversity loss, the recent Kunming Declaration and missed Aichi Biodiversity Targets, as well as the role of finance in protecting nature.

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