Candice Thorpe


Job title

Director – Sustainability Solutions

Joined Aviva Investors


Joined The Industry



Main responsibilities

Responsible for delivering Aviva group entities’ investment-focused climate, nature and social objectives. Candice collaborates across Aviva entities to define Group sustainability objectives and action plans. She is responsible for building investment solutions to deliver on sustainability objectives as well as developing net zero and nature investment analytics and tools. Candice is also responsible for developing commercial solutions linked to these capabilities. 

Experience and qualifications

Before being appointed to her current role, Candice was Head of ESG Strategic Development for Aviva Investors.  This involved coordinating ESG strategic projects to enhance Aviva Investors’ commercial and business ESG objectives. Prior to that Candice was Product Strategy Director and ESG Investment Specialist for Aviva Investors.  Candice worked on developing ESG products such as a range of new sustainable outcomes funds and designing Aviva Investors’ measurement framework.  She also coordinated and took part in various strategic ESG regulatory-driven projects.  Candice originally joined Aviva Investors in the Compliance function.

Previously, Candice performed various compliance and financial crime roles for the Principal Global Investors Group. Most notably was her appointment as Global Chief Compliance Officer for one of their boutique firms for just over four and a half years. She started her career as a Compliance Consultant following her Masters in Finance and Financial Regulation and Degree in Law. Candice also holds professional qualifications in Applied Responsible Investment and the Investment Management Certificate.