Our approach

We look to gain an investment edge that is analytical and behavioural in nature. Being long term in outlook, concentrated and fundamentally driven allows us to ask the right questions. 

We invest in what we consider to be the best businesses regardless of sector or geography, with high-conviction ideas driven by bottom-up stock selection and fundamental analysis. As a result of allocating risk budget to our highest-conviction ideas, we tend to exhibit low correlations with other global equity strategies.

We actively seek to minimise downside risk through our cashflow focus, deep understanding of risk factors and active engagement with companies to promote higher and consistent long-term returns. This is typically reflected in an attractive capture ratio – aiming to match the market on the way up, but significantly outperform it on the way down.

Potential benefits

Our approach focuses on the following distinctive characteristics that can generate attractive, resilient total returns over the long term:


A focus on predictable free cashflow compounding and sustained competitive advantages.


We aim to protect capital through a deep understanding of risk, balance sheet and valuation characteristics.


A high-conviction portfolio of companies we believe can grow at scale through market leadership and network effects.

Aviva Investors Global Equity Endurance: Strategy in brief

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The strategy seeks to achieve attractive, resilient total returns over the long-term while reducing the risk of capital loss by investing globally in a high-conviction, low turnover portfolio of “endurable” businesses.

Key risks

For further information on the risks and risk profiles of our funds, please refer to the relevant fund documents.

The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up and can fluctuate in response to changes in currency and exchange rates. Investors may not get back the original amount invested.

Emerging markets risk

The fund invests in emerging markets; these markets may be volatile and carry higher risk than developed markets.

Derivatives risk

The fund uses derivatives; these can be complex and highly volatile. Derivatives may not perform as expected, which means the fund may suffer significant losses.

Illiquid securities risk

Certain assets held in the fund could, by nature, be hard to value or to sell at a desired time or at a price considered to be fair (especially in large quantities), and as a result their prices could be very volatile.

Concentration risk

The fund invests in a small portfolio of securities. Losses from a single investment may be more detrimental to the overall fund performance than if a larger number of investments were made.

Investment risk & Currency risk

The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up and can fluctuate in response to changes in currency and exchange rates. Investors may not get back the original amount invested.

Global equity endurance team

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The Investment Manager endeavours to comply with the requirements of the UK Stewardship Code when managing the Funds’ assets. Stewardship is the responsible allocation, management and oversight of capital to create long-term value for investors leading to sustainable benefits for the economy, the environment and society. Environmental (particularly climate) and social factors, in addition to governance, have become material issues for fund managers to consider when making investment decisions and undertaking stewardship. The Investment Manager therefore considers a range of financial and non-financial information when assessing investments and to inform its stewardship activities, including considering the potential or actual material risk that sustainability issues may have on an investment. For more information on how the Investment Manager carries out this activity and meets the requirements of the UK Stewardship Code, as well as details about Aviva Investors’ firmwide policy, please see our website: Policies and documents - Aviva Investors