Accelerating change for a better tomorrow

Real change requires a radical overhaul of the world economy. As a firm committed to building a sustainable world, we structure our investment research, company engagement, and macro stewardship activities around three key pillars: People, Earth and Climate. These represent what we believe to be the biggest sustainability challenges in the world today, namely social inequality, biodiversity loss and climate change.

Our Sustainable Transition range targets opportunities linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals that support and accelerate the transition to a sustainable future towards a socially just, nature positive and net zero economy.


Social inequality in its multiple guises such as income, race and gender pose a systemic risk to society and the wider economy.



The scale and urgency of change needed to address climate change and ensure global greenhouse gas emissions are aligned with a 1.5 degrees Celsius pathway will impact every part of the global economy.



The risks associated with biodiversity loss and the erosion of nature are frequently overlooked by the market. This often results in the mispricing of companies with significant impacts or dependences on nature.


Please note each approach will differ in terms of its objective - please see below strategies in focus for more detail.


Complex sustainability challenges cannot be addressed by investing in solutions alone. We believe a broader cross-section approach to transition is required to maximise long-term return while seeking a positive contribution in the transition to a more sustainable future for People, Climate and Earth.* Our proprietary approach to sustainable transition is applied consistently across asset classes and leverages the following key strengths: 

Backing transition

Proprietary approach across asset classes to identify opportunities that are best supporting and benefiting from the transition to a sustainable future.

Investing with purpose

Dual mandate aiming to deliver returns over the long term and support the sustainable transition.

Specialist teams

Sustainable analysts support portfolio managers** to identify opportunities, while leveraging expertise from  the broader sustainable investing team and investment platform.

*While our People, Climate and Earth pillars are strategy specific, all strategies in the range have an overarching theme of supporting sustainable transition.

**Beyond any binding constraints in the prospectus or IMA and Baseline Exclusions Policy, the investment manager retains discretion over decision making taking into account ESG risks alongside other factors.

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A globally integrated team with extensive experience

Our responsible investment views