Also in this section
Important information
ISA Application forms
For new ISA investments using your client's annual ISA limit – not under an additional permitted subscription allowance – use the following forms:
ISA transfer forms
For transferring existing ISA investments – not under an additional permitted subscription allowance – use the following forms:
Additional Permitted Subscription overview
Where a person holding an ISA dies on or after 3 December 2014 and that person was married or in a civil partnership, the surviving spouse/civil partner is entitled to an extra ISA allowance.
This is referred to as the “Additional Permitted Subscription” (“APS”) allowance. Provided it is used within a permitted time period, this means that the surviving spouse/civil partner can invest more of their money into an ISA (up to the value of their late partner’s ISA) over and above the normal annual ISA limit.
How is the APS allowance calculated?
This depends on the date of death of the deceased ISA investor.
Where the ISA investor died between 3 December 2014 and 5 April 2018, the APS allowance equals the value of the ISA(s) at the date of death.
Where the ISA investor died on or after 6 April 2018, any ISA(s) held may remain open as a continuing account of a deceased investor, referred to here as a continuing ISA. The APS allowance equals the higher of the value of the ISA(s) at the date of death or the value of the ISA(s) at the date the ISA(s) cease(s) to be a continuing ISA.
The account will cease to be a continuing ISA on the earlier of the following:
- The administration of the deceased’s estate is complete
- The ISA is closed
- 3 years after the date of death
Where multiple ISAs are held with one ISA provider, the value at the date of closure will be the total value of all ISAs at the date of closure of each account.
When the APS allowance is used, in whole or in part, the value of the APS allowance is fixed and cannot be changed.
Before making an additional permitted subscription, additional information and declarations are required, in addition to that which would be required in connection with an investment under the annual ISA limit. Your client should therefore use the forms in the tab below for ISA investments under their additional permitted subscription allowance.
Additional Permitted Subscription forms and guide
For ISA investments using your client's additional permitted subscription allowance use the following forms:
- PDF 234.1 KB 11 pages
Additional Permitted Subscription Allowance Application Form
- PDF 143.0 KB 6 pages
Additional Permitted Subscription Allowance Transfer Authority Form
- PDF 127.8 KB 4 pages
Additional Permitted Subscription Allowance Request For Valuation
- PDF 166.6 KB 9 pages
Aviva Additional Permitted Subscriptions Guide
Direct credit
If your client wishes to have income paid out, please ask them to complete this form:
Direct debit
For setting up direct debit payments from your client's bank account:
Fund instruction form
For switches from one fund to another, topping up an investment or to alter monthly direct debit instructions:
Investors Global Services Limited (AIGSL). Unless stated otherwise any views and opinions are those of Aviva Investors. They should not be viewed as indicating any guarantee of return from an investment managed by Aviva Investors nor as advice of any nature. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable but, has not been independently verified by Aviva Investors and is not guaranteed to be accurate. Past performance is not a guide to the future. The value of an investment and any income from it may go down as well as up and the investor may not get back the original amount invested. Nothing in this material, including any references to specific securities, assets classes and financial markets is intended to or should be construed as advice or recommendations of any nature. Some data shown are hypothetical or projected and may not come to pass as stated due to changes in market conditions and are not guarantees of future outcomes. This material is not a recommendation to sell or purchase any investment.
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The name “Aviva Investors” as used in this material refers to the global organisation of affiliated asset management businesses operating under the Aviva Investors name. Each Aviva investors’ affiliate is a subsidiary of Aviva plc, a publicly- traded multi-national financial services company headquartered in the UK.
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