Events log

Below you can find any events that we believe would potentially have changed the investment performance of our funds over the past 10 years. Investment performance may be found in the Key Investor Information Documents for each of the funds – accessible via the fund centre.

7 March 2025 – Changes to the Aviva Investors Climate Transition Global Equity Fund

As advised in our advanced investor notice, dated 3 February 2025, we implemented a number of changes to the Aviva Investors Climate Transition Global Equity Fund to meet the new FCA rules on Sustainability Requirements Disclosures (“SDR”) and to better reflect the Fund’s investment approach. The changes to the Fund included a change to the Fund’s name, investment objective & policy and to provide additional information on the asset selections framework, along with further details on the Fund’s sustainability characteristics.

This Fund does not have a UK sustainable investment label under the SDR rules. This is because, although the Fund has sustainability characteristics, it does not currently meet the criteria set out for a sustainable investment label.

As of 7 March 2025, the Fund is now called the “Aviva Investors Global Climate Aware Equity Fund”.

Climate Transition Global Equity Fund Name Change Client Letter


Change in Valuation Point of the Aviva Investors Fixed Income SICAV Funds 

As advised in our advanced investor notice, dated 31 October 2024,  we will be changing the Valuations Point from 16:00pm CET to 23:59pm CET for the bellow impacted Funds on 22 November 2024.

As a result, confirmation of any transaction and values will now be sent by the end of the following business day.

This change impacts the Aviva Investors – Emerging Market Corporate Bond Fund, Aviva Investors Global Investment Grade Corporate Bond Fund, Aviva Investors – Emerging Markets Local Currency Bond Fund, Aviva Investors – Emerging Markets Bond and Aviva Investors – Climate Transition Global Credit Fund.  

Change in Valuation Point of the Aviva Investors Investment Solutions – Emerging Markets Debt Fund

As advised in our advanced investor notice, dated 31 October 2024,  we will be changing the Valuations Point of the Aviva Investors Investment Solutions – Emerging Markets Debt Fund, from 16:00pm CET to 23:59pm CET on 22 November 2024.

As a result, confirmation of any transaction and values will now be sent by the end of the following business day.

Merger of Aviva Investors Corporate Bond Fund with Aviva Investors Sterling Corporate Bond Fund

As advised in our advanced investor notice, dated 30 May 2024, an Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) of the Fund was held on 21 June 2024 to consider the proposed merger of the Aviva Investors Corporate Bond Fund with Aviva Investors Monthly Income Plus Fund.  We also notified investors that we intended changing the name of the Aviva Investors Monthly Income Plus Fund to Aviva Investors Sterling Corporate Bond Fund.  At the “EGM” the number of votes cast in favour of the resolution were in excess of the required amount and therefore the outlined resolution was approved.

However, with the U.K. and France both calling snap general elections with the potential to impact holdings in the fund, we felt it was prudent to postpone the merger until the autumn, after those elections concluded.  We did proceed with the name change of Aviva Investors Monthly Income Plus Fund to Aviva Investors Sterling Corporate Bond Fund on 12 July 2024. 

We have since written to investors to confirm the revised merger date of 13 September 2024, with the fund being suspended to all new subscriptions and redemptions from 9 September 2024.  

EGM - Aviva Investors Distribution Fund

As advised in our advanced investor notice, dated 26 July 2024, an Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) of the Fund was held on 22 August 2024 to consider a range of proposals, including a change of name to Aviva Investors Multi-asset Income Fund, a change to the investment objective and policy and more frequent, monthly, income payments.  

At the EGM the number of votes cast in favour of the resolution were in excess of the required amount and therefore the resolution as outlined in the investor notice was approved. The changes will become effective with effect from 23 September 2024, after which the updated KIID (Key Investor Information Document) and/or Prospectus will be available reflecting these changes. 

EGM - Aviva Investors Corporate Bond Fund merging with Aviva Investors Monthly Income Plus Fund

As advised in our advanced investor notice, dated 30 May 2024, an Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) of the Fund was held on 21 June 2024 to consider the proposed merger of the Aviva Investors Corporate Bond Fund with Aviva Investors UK Monthly Income Plus Fund. At the “EGM” the number of votes cast in favour of the resolution were in excess of the required amount and therefore the outlined resolution was approved.

We still intend to proceed with the merger, however, with the U.K. and France both calling snap general elections with the potential to impact holdings in the fund, we feel it is prudent to postpone the merger until after those elections have concluded.  We anticipate the fund suspension and merger will now take place later this year in the Autumn and we will write to shareholders again closer to the time to confirm the date.   As such, the Fund will not now be suspended from 8 July.

Please also note, the name change of Aviva Investors Monthly Income Plus Fund to Aviva Investors Sterling Corporate Bond Fund will go ahead as planned on 12 July 2024.

10 May 2024 – Closure of the Aviva Investors UK Smaller Companies Fund

As advised in our advanced notice to investors on 5 April 2024, the Aviva Investors UK Smaller Companies Fund will close on the 10th May 2024 following a strategic review. For further information regarding the closure of the Fund, please see below the notice to investors.

UK Smaller Companies Fund Closure Investor Notice Letter

27 March 2024 - Change of Aviva Investors London office location 

Aviva Investors has relocated our London office headquarters to a new location, allowing us to better serve our clients and enhance our operational capabilities. From 27 March 2024 the new registered address for our headquarters is: 80 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4AE. Our current telephone numbers and email addresses will remain unchanged, ensuring uninterrupted communication with us.

12 July 2023 - Changes to the Aviva Investors Distribution Fund 

A minor update was made to the investment objective and policy which was updated on 12 July 2023, as the provider of the benchmark had changed from Bank of America Merrill Lynch (“ML”) to ICE Data Indices, LLC. This change has not altered the strategy, or the investments held in the Fund.

3 October 2023 - Changes to the Aviva Investors Sustainable Stewardship UK Equity Feeder Fund, Aviva Investors Sustainable Stewardship UK Equity Income Feeder Fund, Aviva Investors Sustainable Stewardship International Equity Feeder Fund and the Aviva Investors Sustainable Stewardship Fixed Interest Feeder Fund. 

On 3 October 2023, we implemented a number of changes to the Aviva Investors Stewardship Fund range to better reflect their sustainable investment approach. This included a change to the Funds’ names, investment objective and investment policy and updates to the Stewardship Policy applicable to the Funds. The Fund range is now referred to as the “Sustainable Stewardship Funds”.

21 November 2023 - Changes to the Aviva Investors Global Equity Income Fund

On 21 November 2023, the Valuation Point for the Fund was changed from 12:00 noon to 11:59pm. The valuation point is the time when the assets of the Fund are valued, and the share price is calculated.

9 December 2023 - End of the Fund Management Fee discount period on the Aviva Investors Climate Transition Global Equity Fund

On 9th December 2023, the discounted fee period for the Fund came to an end. As detailed in the Fund’s Key Investor Information Documents, the discounted fee of 0.475% returned to 0.85%, for Share Class 2, and the discounted fee of 0.625% returned to 1.0% for Share Class 1.

18 October 2023 - Launch of Multi-asset Sustainable Stewardship Fund Range

18 October 2023 we launched a range of new Multi-Asset Sustainable Stewardship Funds consisting of the Aviva Investors Multi-Asset Sustainable Stewardship Funds I, II, III and IV. The Fund range investments focus on sustainable investments, volatility management and investment growth.

19 July 2022 – Closure of the Aviva Investors High Yield Bond Fund

As advised in our advanced notice to investors on 18 May 2022, the Aviva Investors High Yield Bond Fund will close on the 19th July 2022. For further information regarding the closure of the Fund, please see below the notice to investors.

High Yield Bond Fund Closure Investor Notice Letter

11 February 2022 – Base Line Exclusion Policy 

As advised in our annual statement mailing on 10th February 2022, from 1st July 2022 we are expanding our baseline exclusion policy to introduce a wider range of exclusion categories. These additional exclusions are based on our environmental, social and governance “ESG” criteria and align with Aviva Investors’ long-standing investment philosophy and approach.  We currently apply an investment exclusion policy to certain companies or investments which derive income from an excluded activity or sector, these new changes will expand the current range and categories for exclusions. For the majority of Funds these changes will not affect the Funds’ stated investment objectives, how they are managed in practice or the overall risk profile of the Funds. 

For further information regarding these changes please see the below documentation, which includes an explanation of the changes, an impact analysis for each fund, and an updated version of AIUKFSL’s Responsible Investment Policy which will be effective from 1st July 2022. 

Changes to our responsible Investment Policy notice to investors

Responsible Investment Policy - Fund impact assessment

Responsible Investment Policy effective as of 1st July

The existing AIUKFSL Responsible Investment Policy is available here: Existing Responsible investment policy

4 March 2022 – Closure of the Aviva Investors Global Equity Unconstrained Fund, the Aviva Investors Global Emerging Markets Equity Unconstrained Fund and the Aviva Investors Sustainable Income & Growth Fund

As advised in our advanced investor notice, the Aviva Investors Global Equity Unconstrained Fund, the Aviva Investors Global Emerging Markets Equity Unconstrained Fund and the Aviva Investors Sustainable Income & Growth Fund closed on the 4th March 2022. 

19 March 2022 – Merger of the Aviva Investors UK Listed Equity High Alpha Fund into the Aviva Investors UK Equity Unconstrained Fund

As advised in our advanced investor notice, dated the 24th January 2022, the Aviva Investors UK Listed Equity High Alpha Fund merged into the Aviva Investors UK Equity Unconstrained Fund on 19th March 2022.

14 February 2022 – Enhanced screening for the Aviva Investors Stewardship UK Equity Feeder Fund

As advised in our investor notification mailing on 14th February 2022, from 1st April 2022 we are enhancing our Fossil Fuel Screens to exclude companies with exposure to certain activities, these changes are aligned to each Fund’s investment objective and policy.

For further information regarding these changes please see the below investor communication.

Changes to Aviva Investors Stewardship UK Equity Feeder Fund

EGM - Aviva Investors UK Listed Equity High Alpha Fund merging with Aviva Investors UK Listed Equity Unconstrained Fund

As advised in our advanced investor notice, dated 24 January 2022, an Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) of the Fund was held on 9th February 2022 to consider the proposed merger of the Aviva Investors UK Listed Equity High Alpha Fund with Aviva Investors UK Listed Equity Unconstrained Fund. As a result of the “EGM” the number of votes cast in favour of the resolution were in excess of the required amount and therefore the outlined resolution was approved. The merger of the Aviva Investors UK Listed Equity High Alpha Fund with Aviva Investors UK Listed Equity Unconstrained Fund is expected to occur on 18th March 2022. 

The Aviva Investors UK Property Fund, the Aviva Investors UK Property Feeder Inc Fund and the Aviva Investors UK Property Feeder Acc Fund (the “Funds”) are in the process of being terminated, they are no longer available for investment and all dealing in them is suspended

For more information, click here.

The Aviva Investors UK Property Fund, the Aviva Investors UK Property Feeder Inc Fund and the Aviva Investors UK Property Feeder Acc Fund (the “Funds”) temporary suspension of dealing

Covid19 has impacted the UK property market and made it difficult to value that property with the same degree of certainty as would otherwise be the case .As a result, the Standing Independent Valuer has advised us that there is currently material valuation uncertainty for all direct property assets within the portfolio.

This challenges our ability to calculate the price used to buy and sell shares/units in the Funds, and we believe there is a material risk that investors may buy and sell shares/units at a price which does not fairly reflect the value of those shares/units. If we allow dealing to continue some investors may be advantaged at the expense of others.

Consequently, Aviva Investors UK Fund Services Limited has taken the decision to temporarily suspend all dealing in the Funds with effect from 12 noon on the 18th March 2020. The decision has been made to safeguard the interests of investors and has been agreed with the depositary of the Funds, J.P. Morgan Europe Limited.

Suspension of dealing means we cannot accept instructions to buy, sell, transfer, switch or exchange shares/units in the Funds until further notice.

Find out more

7 August 2019 - Aviva Investors UK OEIC fund range

On 7 August 2019, several changes/clarifications were made across our UK fund range. We changed the way we describe the Investment Objectives and Policies of our funds to ensure that all the information we provide about our funds is as clear and appropriate as possible. We have also made several fund specific changes to the fund objectives and Benchmarks. Please see the latest KIID (Key Investor Information Document) and/or Prospectus for the most up to date Fund information. For further information regarding these changes please visit our Asset Management Market Study page.

2 January 2019 - Aviva Investors UK Listed Small and Mid-Cap Fund

On 2 January 2019, the fund name was changed from Aviva Investors UK Growth Fund to the Aviva Investors UK Listed Small and Mid-Cap Fund. The change of name was to reflect a change in the management style of the fund, to focus on growth opportunities which exist in smaller and medium sized companies and a reduction of the proportion of the fund made up of the UK’s largest companies. To reflect the new focus of the fund, the FTSE® 250 ex Investment Trusts Index has been selected as an appropriate benchmark against which to compare the fund’s performance and risk measurement.  Due to these changes, prior to 2 January 2019 the fund had different characteristics.

7 August 2019 - Aviva Investors UK OEIC fund range

On 7 August 2019, several changes/clarifications were made across our UK fund range. We changed the way we describe the Investment Objectives and Policies of our funds to ensure that all the information we provide about our funds is as clear and appropriate as possible. We have also made several fund specific changes to the fund objectives and Benchmarks. Please see the latest KIID (Key Investor Information Document) and/or Prospectus for the most up to date Fund information. For further information regarding these changes please visit our Asset Management Market Study page.

2 January 2019 - Aviva Investors UK Listed Small and Mid-Cap Fund

On 2 January 2019, the fund name was changed from Aviva Investors UK Growth Fund to the Aviva Investors UK Listed Small and Mid-Cap Fund. The change of name was to reflect a change in the management style of the fund, to focus on growth opportunities which exist in smaller and medium sized companies and a reduction of the proportion of the fund made up of the UK’s largest companies. To reflect the new focus of the fund, the FTSE® 250 ex Investment Trusts Index has been selected as an appropriate benchmark against which to compare the fund’s performance and risk measurement.  Due to these changes, prior to 2 January 2019 the fund had different characteristics.

18 August 2017 – Aviva Investors UK Property Fund (the PAIF)

On 18 August 2017 Aviva Investors Property Trust (the Trust) converted to a Property Authorised Investment Fund (PAIF) adopting the same strategy as the Trust. Past performance shown prior to this date relates to the same Unit Class of the Trust, with the exception that Share Class 6 of the PAIF reflects the past performance of Unit Class 4 of the Trust. Past performance of the Trust is shown, as on conversion, the assets of the Trust were transferred to the PAIF.

18 August 2017 – Aviva Investors UK Property Feeder Acc Fund, Aviva Investors UK Property Feeder Inc Fund

On 18 August 2017 Aviva Investors Property Trust (the Trust) converted to a Property Authorised Investment Fund (PAIF) adopting the same strategy as the Trust. On conversion, the assets of the Trust were transferred to the PAIF and investors who were unable to, or did not wish to, invest directly in the PAIF received units in the Feeder Funds. As the Feeder Funds in turn (with the exception of cash balances) invest solely in the PAIF, past performance prior to 18th August 2017 relates to the same Unit Class of the Trust, with the exception that Unit Class 6 of the Feeder Funds reflects the past performance of Unit Class 4 of the Trust. From 18th August 2017 until 31st December 2017 past performance of the Feeder Funds reflected the past performance of the same share class of the PAIF.

October 2016 – Aviva Investors Multi-Strategy Target Return Fund Share Class 3

Increase of annual management charge (AMC) from 0.10% to 0.67% on 24 October 2016. Performance figures prior to this change will reflect the lower AMC.

April 2013 – Aviva Investors Global Equity Income Fund

Fund name change from Aviva Investors World Leaders to Aviva Investors Global Equity Income Fund. Change of investment strategy which moved the Fund from a global equity growth to a global equity income strategy. The currency hedged peformance indicator was removed and the annual management charges were moved from being taken from the income of the Fund to the capital element of the Fund.

August 2011 – Aviva Investors Multi-Manager 40-85% Shares Fund, Aviva Investors Multi-Manager 20-60% Shares Fund, Aviva Investors Multi-Manager Flexible Fund

Change of Fund Investment Adviser from FundQuest to Aviva Investors.

October 2010 – Aviva Investors European Property Fund

The domicile of the Fund was changed from Luxembourg to the United Kingdom.

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